Veranstaltung / Stadtführung

MVHS in English: Munich's second core S-Bahn route

A guided tour at the project's information centre

Samstag   02.11.2018    17:30-18:30


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The second core S-Bahn route is currently one of the biggest infrastructure projects in the fast growing area of greater Munich. In order to upgrade the S-Bahn system and to reduce the traffic burden on the existing core line, two new tracks are being built parallel to the existing core line between the stations of Laim in the west of the city and Leuchtenbergring in the east. More details on this challenging undertaking with estimated costs of at least € 3.8 billion will be provided in this guided tour at the project's information centre at the Marienhof.

Veranstalter MVHS München Mitte
Datum 02.11.2018
Uhrzeit 17:30 - 18:30
Referent/in N.N.
Treffpunkt Meeting point: opposite Dallmayr, Dienerstr. 14
Anmeldung Registration necessary
Preis free of charge
Veranstaltungsart Informationsveranstaltung
Suchbegriffe Altstadt

MVHS München Mitte

Straße: Einsteinstr. 28
Plz/Ort: 81675 München
Telefon: 089 - 48006 6643

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